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Scouters Mountain PTA believes all students should have the same opportunities to succeed. However, we know the path to success looks different for each student.  We are committed to ensuring all students and families are supported, acknowledged, accepted, and celebrated for who they are.


In light of what our country’s been experiencing with COVID-19 and civil unrest it might be helpful to have resources if your children have questions. How do you talk to your kids about tragic events or civil unrest happening in our world?  This is not an easy topic and it is definitely important to think about developmental appropriateness of information shared and how it is shared. 


Below are some resources for families. 

​Responding to Current Racial Events
How To Talk To Children


Educational Resources Regarding Diversity,

Equity, and Inclusion:



Please reach out at any time if you have thoughts, questions, comments or would like to learn more. 
Email us at:

L A N D  A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T

Clackamas County

What we now call Clackamas County is the traditional lands and waterways of the Clackamas, Chinook Bands, Kalapuya, Kathlamet, Molalla, Multnomah, Tualatin, Tumwater, Wasco and many other tribes of the Willamette Valley and Western Oregon. We will never be able to name every tribe that visited or lived upon this land because these communities frequently traveled for trade and other reasons. The Indigenous people lived, traded and navigated along great rivers and tributaries presently named the Clackamas, Molalla, Pudding, Sandy, and Willamette. Many of the original inhabitants of this land died from disease, war and other conflicts. Those that survived these tragedies were forcibly removed and relocated by European settlers and the United States Government because of the land’s value. Today, their descendants live on, still carrying on the traditions and cultures of their ancestors.


We honor the Native American people of Clackamas County as a vibrant, foundational and integral part of our community. We respectfully acknowledge Wy’east, also known as Mount Hood, and Hyas Tyee Tumwater, also known as Willamette Falls, as sacred sites for many Native Americans. We thank those who have connection to this land and serve as stewards, working to ensure our ecosystem stays balanced and healthy. 


For more information see Clackamas County Land Acknowledgement.

Scouters Mountain Elementary

10811 SE 172nd Ave,

Happy Valley, OR 97086



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